Submitted by Mike Marinan, Director of Member Services - Public Risk Underwriters of Florida, Inc.
The Flagler County Sheriffs Office and Sheriff Rick Staly have established a wonderful monthly tradition of recognizing “Great Kids” in the Flagler County School System. The “Great Kid” award is selected by School Resource Deputies and presented by the Sheriff to a student who shows respect for their peers, helps others, works hard academically, and displays great character. This award is presented on a monthly basis to one elementary, middle and high school student.
“This is a terrific tradition that we started in 2018, and it is something that we look forward to every month,” Staly said in a press release. “We hear too much in the media about kids who make bad decisions. It is an honor to present this award to these students and shine a spotlight on the kids in Flagler County who are working to make a positive impact.”

Sheriff Staly presented the April 2020 ‘Great Kid Awards’ virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic and school closures. “While kids are virtually learning, I’ll virtually award them for being great members of our community,” Sheriff Staly said. “I didn’t want to miss out on presenting these ‘Great Kid Awards’ because they deserve to be recognized for doing good in this community.”
This is a great tradition and we want to thank Sheriff Staly and the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office for recognizing “Great Kids” in Flagler County.

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